Broker/Client Wellness ToolsJoin Now

Manage Client Events
Benefits Brokers have everything needed to tailor, promote, and execute their clients’ health fairs. Each event can be designed to meet the employees’ individual health needs. Simply post the event on the IAB network and sit back as vendors begin to submit the request to participate.
From securing wellness workshops to planning health fairs, IAB provides benefits brokers across the country FREE cloud-based tools for planning and executing wellness events for their clients. Thousands of specialty vendors are ready to provide on-site and virtual education, giveaways, and screenings for employer groups.
Easily manage each organization and the associated events all from your profile. You may keep full control or allow the group to manage their event and select the vendors as they register to participate. Each vendor is handpicked by you or the group to ensure a successful event each year.
Event Management Console – Manage all accounts and associated events from your profile
Easy event set-up and management
Review pending vendors for multiple events
Download event materials from the event dashboard
Renew events easily and quickly with our “copy event” feature