Older American Month

Observed During: May, 2025

Every May, the Administration on Aging, part of the Administration for Community Living, leads our nation’s observance of Older American’s Month. The 2018 theme, Engage at Every Age, emphasizes that you are never too old (or young) to take part in activities that can enrich your physical, mental, and emotional well-being. It also celebrates the many ways in which older adults make a difference in our communities.

Participating in activities that promote mental and physical wellness, offering your wisdom and experience to the next generation, seeking the mentorship of someone with more life experience than you—those are just a few examples of what being engaged can mean. No matter where you are in your life, there is no better time than now to start. We hope you will join in and Engage at Every Age!

Use the materials, activities, and resources on this site to promote and celebrate #OAM18!

President Donald J. Trump Proclaims May 2018 as Older Americans Month

Older Americans Month Statement By Lance Robertson, ACL Administrator and Assistant Secretary for Aging

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