IAB Health Productions


Advanced Holistic Center is a complementary and alternative healthcare facility in all of New York City and Miami. With four offices across 2 states manned by our fully licensed and board certified acupuncturists (several of whom are master herbalists of the Chinese tradition), a team of highly-qualified assistants, physical therapists, chiropractors and massage therapists,  trained in both Eastern and Western modalities, you need never worry about fitting your treatments into your schedule as we offer weekdays and weekends, extended hours, same day appointments and concierge service. We pride ourselves on being a premiere integrative healthcare facilities, with locations in NYC and Miami. All practitioners are board certified, holding Doctoral’s or Master’s degrees in alternative medicine from industry leading universities with rigorous training in both Eastern and Western medicine. We are able to fluently and professionally speak the language of whatever healthcare providers you choose to meet your needs, be they physical therapists or primary care physicians. Our courteous, well-trained, highly skilled team of brilliant practitioners make it their mission to use thoroughly researched and well-proven techniques to help you achieve your health goals.


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Our Locations

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