IAB Health Productions


Anointed -Bodyworks Massage Therapy believes in the holistic approach to a living wellness. Massage therapy helps promote balance and harmony for the complete individual. Many people have experienced the benefits of massage therapy and are including it in their life as a necessary health-care investment for themselves.

Studies have shown the benefits of massage to prevent illnesses by reducing tension & strengthening your immune system there-by reducing the likelihood of illness. It is my sincere hope that you choose to use Anointed-Bodyworks Massage Therapy as your aid of relief from the daily stresses of life and leave inspired, refreshed, renewed in your body,mind, spirit and whole being.
John Angles has been a licensed massage therapist for over 28+ years and his experience and expertize offers a unique style and sense of touch that is compassionate and inspiring. He offers various Bodywork Techniques that can be tailored to your individual needs.
“You are fearfully and wonderfully made by the Eternal Creator who has created our bodies with the innate ability to self heal by design, I am here simply to assist you in that natural healing process with massage therapy as a vehicle or a vessel for that desired effect.

John Angles – N.C. L.M.B.T. #05931

“Feel Inspired, Refreshed, and Renewed in your Body, Mind & Spirit”.




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