Join my Team! For $2.99 per week (billed quarterly)become a Team Beachbody Club Member. Create your own personal profile in which you establish your goals and the site does the work for you. It recommends a meal plan that meets your goals. It will create your meals for you or you could customize your meals. Choose from real food with easy meal preparations for those on a go if you want. No prepackaged food.
Shakeology is a meal replacement protein shake that comes in flavors Vanilla, Chocolate, Strawberry and Greenberry. Adding this, although not required, improves digestion, reduces cravings for junk food and aides in metabolism and weight loss. It is considered the healthiest meal of the day. As a Team Beachbody Club Member (listed above), you save 10% on all of your purchases from Beachbody (fitness programs, nutritional supplies/equipment) including Shakeology.
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