IAB Health Productions


Body & Soul Massage Therapy provides Therapeutic massage and Spa therapy! My goal is to help you get your body back to where it needs to be in order to keep doing everyday activities, like your jobs, hobbies, or just feeling better to enjoy special occasions! Being certified in multiple massage modalities helps me be able to reach out to more people in our community! After 13 years of massage therapy, I still don’t get tired of helping people as much as I can! I am here to make a massage plan for you, and once your body starts feeling better, is where the spa therapy comes in! Relax with more than just massage, with body treatments like Hot tone Massage, or body exfoliations and mud wraps!
Body & Soul wants to give back to the community..so we offer specials every month and everyday! Such as Military/Veteran, Law Enforcement, Firefighter, and EMS 20% disc.
$10 off your first visit!
Hope to see you soon!


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