Sometimes, finding words to accurately describe a physically painful experience is a difficult task. This observation may be none truer than for those who suffer with headache, migraine, and chronic pain. There are fewer conditions that will hamper not only life quality, but also personal energy and prodictivity than these conditions.
In the corporate world, an employee seeks relief and restoration of their familiar life…BEFORE the pain set in.
An employer seeks people who can be maximally productive… particularly when absenteeism and the more insidious “presenteeism” take them out of their game. Employees may be physically present but “productively absent” as a result of frequent, recurring pain, or from the physical and mental side effects of medications.
The literature is clear that the majority of headaches, migraines, and chronic pain conditions often have a solution for complete or significant resolution. But first an accurate assessment of cause must be made. Correctly assessing and addressing cause is critical. Rescuing people from their pain and restoring their quality of life is what drives me as a doctor.
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