IAB Health Productions


Basem Abdelfattah, MD, pain management specialist at Chronic Pain Relief in Dallas, believes in treating pain not only as a physical concern but as a condition that often has emotional and lifestyle components as well. Dr. Abdelfattah’s holistic approach to managing chronic pain addresses the whole person, not just their symptoms.

Dr. Abdelfattah earned his medical degree at Texas Tech University before completing a residency in anesthesiology and a fellowship in pain management at Loyola University Chicago. He is a board-certified pain specialist by the American Board of Anesthesiology. As a border medicine preceptor, Dr. Abdelfattah worked with patients in underserved communities to determine the best way to meet their medical needs.

At Chronic Pain Relief, Dr. Abdelfattah treats patients with back, joint, and musculoskeletal pain, while simultaneously helping them cope with lifestyle factors that contribute to their condition. He utilizes balanced pain medication regimens, injections and other interventions, and physical therapy to achieve substantial and long-lasting pain relief.

In his free time, Dr. Abdelfattah spends time with his wife, son, and extended family throughout Texas. He is fluent in both English and Arabic and speaks conversational Spanish.


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