IAB Health Productions


CIRCADIAN 24/7 WORKFORCE SOLUTIONS– CIRCADIAN was founded in 1983 by Dr. Martin Moore-Ede, a scientist who saw the need for industry to apply new scientific developments in sleep and circadian rhythm research. 30 years later, CIRCADIAN is the global expert in providing 24/7 workforce performance and safety solutions for business that operate around the clock and their shift work population. The company has worked with over 1/2 of the Fortune 500 companies, serving our clients with a global team of consultants.

CIRCADIAN CORPORATE SLEEP PROGRAMS- Recognizing that sleep is integral to optimizing human capital and that sleep is a risk management issue that impacts ALL employees, regardless of the hours they work, CIRCADIAN partnered with Nancy H. Rothstein, MBA, The Sleep Ambassador® to create CIRCADIAN Corporate Sleep Programs, for which Nancy is Director. Our research-based corporate sleep programming is customized for the client’s needs and goals, including sleep education/training to ensure that employees are equipped and empowered with knowledge, strategies, tools, and resources to support sustainable sleep improvement.


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