Dr. Joanne K. Morse is a Certified Community Herbalist with 12 years of teaching Alternative Medicine, the emphasis on herbs, at the Hampton U School of Pharmacy. Dr. Morse taught anatomy and physiology for 17 years and pharmacology for 3 – her specialty being the nervous system. Her book – How Low Can You Go – Nutritional Limbo, was published in 2008. She has published several articles on herbs and disease states as well as bio-terrorism over the last few years.
Dr. Morse uses her science background to develop her recipes for medicinal teas and salves to help with cardivascular, glucose control, sleep, and skin issues to name a few.
Stop by and learn how herbs and other botanicals can slow progression of disease onset and often prevent the need for strong meds. Dr. Morse offers cunseling on the use of herbs and lowering doeses of meds etc.
Dr. Morse also make sspecialty dog treats for pet issues.
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