What is Colorado State University Extension-Pueblo County?
As you browse through information at the library and on the internet, you’re often referred to the “local extension office.” Local extension office? Really? Never heard of it. But it must be a big deal, because it’s seemingly referenced everywhere. So, what is your local extension office anyway, and what can it do for you?
Well, as it turns out, quite a lot.
The Cooperative Extension System is sponsored by the United States Department of Agriculture in collaboration with land-grant universities and state and local governments. Its mission is to provide research-based information to the public on subjects relating to agriculture and food, home, family, the environment, community economic development and youth. 4-H Clubs are under its auspices, as well as the Master Gardener Program, which trains volunteers to be horticultural educators in their communities. Need information about organic agriculture? Your local extension office can help you with that. Food safety? Yup, they’ve got that. Animal reproduction? Uh-huh. It’s kind of overwhelming what all it covers.
So, what can your local extension office do for you?
Bring you local expertise – Because there are so many extension offices throughout each state, your local extension office can provide highly localized information. They know about the specific soil, wildlife, crops, and more found in Pueblo County, providing expert advice to local residents.
Give it try! Call 719-583-6555 or visit the website at https://pueblo.extension.colostate.edu/
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