IAB Health Productions


Dennis C. Ayer, D.D.S. was founded in 1984 to provide comprehensive, advanced dentistry for people who seek a dental team dedicated to excellence, trust and caring. All of our custom dentistry is guaranteed 5 years. Our goal is to complete your dental visit within 1 hour and 15 minutes of the scheduled appointment. Your time is a high priority for our practice.

Our practice is conveniently located at 143rd and Kenneth Rd. We offer a wellness centered theme and consider our patients as members of this practice. This membership is designed to be a win/win two-way street. We must have the co-therapeutic help, on a daily basis, of the person utilizing our practice for their dental needs. Each patient in this practice is a unique and complex human being. We do specialize in the oral health facet of medicine but also believe strongly that this is an essential part of, and cannot be separated from, general health. We care for the long-term welfare of the whole person as a part of the healthcare team. Contact us for a dental appointment today!We have some powerful beliefs in regard to providing care for the members in our practice. We believe the best dentistry is no dentistry. We cannot overcome, episodically, what you yourself, don’t accomplish during daily care. Through careful co-discovery, we specifically design procedures that will keep you well. One of the most valuable services provided is a comprehensive examination and a documented thorough dental record that is a result of this examination. It is patterned after the Mayo Clinic model. This co-discovery, co-diagnosis, co-treatment planning allows us to define needs, answers and choices to provide risk assessment, damage control and informed consent opportunities. We follow this procedure with unconditional commitment before any care, other than emergency is provided. We specifically co-discover; co-diagnose and co-treatment plan your personal wellness program. We think it’s better to stay well through maintenance.


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