IAB Health Productions


Dr. Edgar Facuseh was born and raised in Miami, Florida. He attended Florida International University and earned a bachelor’s degree in Exercise & Sports Science. He then attended Parker College of Chiropractic in Dallas, Texas where he obtained his Doctor of Chiropractic degree (D.C.) Dr. Edgar Facuseh has over 15 years of experience and has a passion for his work and is committed to the health & wellness of his patients.

Dr. Edgar is devoted to constantly improving his techniques and enjoys learning new ones in an effort to improve patient outcomes. Some of the techniques include, for example, Graston and Kinesiotaping. Prescription of exercise, nutritional protocols and nutritional supplements is something Dr. Edgar also does to improve patient outcomes.

Dr. Edgar works at his own pace and takes a one-on-one approach to treating his patients. We are NOT a factory; at Downtown Miami Chiropractor you are not just a number. We take your concerns seriously and deliver high quality and caring treatment.


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