
Meet Emanuela Visone, CHC, CLC

Naturopathic Innovator | Wellness Futurist | Author |Speaker | Natural Health Consultant | Life Coach

As a Health and Life Coach, Emanuela works with people suffering from thyroid conditions as well as other degenerative conitions.   She helps them restore their body to optimal health naturally so they can take their life back!

She was her own living experiment when she successfully restored her malfunctioning thyroid back to normal as well as dramatically shrunk a mass and nodules by more than half their size in 4 months and completely srunk them within 1 year.   She achieved this all naturally through the use of whole foods and plant-based supplements. Not to mention, she lost a much needed 20 pounds and had more energy than ever before. She said bye-bye to adrenal fatigue that was getting in the way of her becoming the best version of herself.

And, she also works with pet owners and coaches them how to become their dogs best healers.  She restored her St.Bernard Sonnie’s irritable bowel syndrome in 8 months, all naturally.  You can learn more about Sonnie’s journey on her website:  www.DogIBS.com.


Over the last 6 years, she’s done deep work on rewiring her own bad behaviors and beliefs.  She became stronger in her faith and spirituality. Most importantly, she loves herself unconditionally and embraces her flaws because they grow more beautiful each day.

She’d love to share her story with you and hope to inspire you to throw all the disbelief out the window and believe that it is possible to heal your body naturally.  She will guide you on how to best heal and manage degenerative diseases. All your body needs is the right environment then watch the amazing transformation.


Our focus is not on what we should and should not eat, we focus on long-lasting habit changes that provide my clients with the proper tools to lead a healthier lifestyle. If you’re looking for a positive, fun way to feel healthier and live a happier lifestyle, then I look forward to working with you.


Live Your Best Life!


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