Equilibrium Chiropractic
Our Vision: To create a partnership with out patients to achieve optimal health, vitality, and physiological equilibrium!
What we do: In our office, ou will find a comprehensive approach to your care including non-surgical, non-medicated options.
What we believe: We must change the narrative of health care by prioritizing whole food nutrition, movement, proper nervous system function and positive thinking.
What we treat: A LOT! Lower back pain (sciatica, bulging/herniated discs etc), neck pain (whip lash, nerve impingement, migraines..), arm/Leg pain (tendonitis, strains, sprains). We evaluate for many different conditions and ultimately, even if we can’t treat it, we help guide you to someone who can.
How we achieve results: Non surgical spinal decompression, class 4 cold laser therapy, custom orthotics, and spinal manipulation, nutritional recommendations, utilizing movement and more.
We provide safe and effective health care options for those looking to not only decrease their daily pain but strive for a healthier future.
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