
FITSCRIPT™ is the innovative digital health company that is revolutionizing the treatment of diabetes with exercise prescriptions that reduce, reverse and control diabetes on a global scale. Fitscript’s GlucoseZone program is accessible anywhere, anytime and anyplace with a smartphone or computer. GlucoseZone exercise guidance utilizes real-time glucose levels to produce positive outcomes.

Management of diabetes and prediabetes requires tailored exercise, medication, and nutrition. Until GlucoseZone, there was no specific exercise program or guidance to address the unique needs of exercise for people with diabetes (PWD). With the knowledge that exercise is different for PWD due to the issues related to blood glucose, GlucoseZone provides individuals with the special guidance that is needed. GlucoseZone considers the role of insulin in fat and carbohydrate metabolism as well as fluctuating blood glucose levels in PWD in order to meet this very important treatment requirement of diabetes management in a safe and effective manner. The digital program incorporates data from biometric devices and glucometers into an interactive program designed to improve both short and long-term diabetes metrics (A1C, weight loss, reduced complications, patient satisfaction and compliance).

Fitscript’s digital health solution is changing the way people think about exercise and diabetes by improving diabetes metrics, reducing costs, and creating a positive community of individuals living with diabetes. 


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