Here you can find the essential services : Reiki, CraniSacral, Energy Work, along with several advanced ways like the integrated elements that I have created, which consider to be very unique in the Holistic Energy work, and have helped many so far and hopefully open to help many more.
Whethere you take upon those services to relax your body and mind, or you need some support due to certain issues like: stress, anxiety, frea, dealing with loss, having a continus grief, mental breakdown, or other personal emotional challenges. With the use of differant modalities benefit help you to shift from those low emotions, or to support your well-being that you already at. The services provide each one shift and benefits to move forward with their life.
I value my practice and will bring love, passion care and commitment to work with you to bring out your uniqueness that you hold.
I respect my heritage, culture and tradition and respect yours as well, along with your positive values that you carry.
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Much Love and Be Blessed
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