
Flying Changes offers mind/body and horse guided journeys to personal and professional growth. 

We provide: 

Equine assisted or traditional Coaching, Leadership, & Team Building.

Yoga, Breathwork, & Meditation for individuals or groups.

Change Management Consulting for organizations. 

What is a Flying Change? 

Known as a flying lead change, it is a high level move in horsemanship when a horse, mid-flight changes their lead leg in the canter or lope from right to left, or vice versa. It requires a great deal of balance and equilibrium, openness to a new way of moving, willingness to suspend an old pattern and pick up a new one while continuing to move forward, a quiet mind, an open heart, and faith in one’s own ability.

Are you ready to make a flying change? Flying Changes Coach is about helping you examine the patterns of thinking and habits that have you stuck. Then helping you find the tools to develop a willingness to pick up new patterns that will get you un-stuck; all while keeping a quiet mind, an open heart and faith in your own ability. That’s when you’ll move ahead. If you want to live a life that is more in line with who you really are, get in touch and get ready to make a flying change!

I use a combination of coaching tools, change methods, horse wisdom, mind body practices such as yoga, meditation, and guided breathwork, along with the natural beauty that surrounds us to help you connect and align with your highest purpose.


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