IAB Health Productions


We make the best, and healthiest Toothpaste you can buy!

No Fluoride, Toxin Free, Gluten Free, Vegan, and Paraben Free. And it tastes great and foams up nicely.
Our specialized Nano-Silver technology eliminates bad bacteria without ingesting any type of harmful chemicals. This antibacterial/antimicrobial agent has also been found to aid in the repair of tooth decay, receding gums, teeth sensitivity, and bad breath, while fighting against viral pathogens. With our amazing Nano-silver formula you can take brushing to a whole other level making sure your mouth stays, Always Fresh / Always Clean.

Wait that’s not all!

  • Manual or Electric we provide the highest quality brushes or brush heads, specially formulated Nano-Silver Toothpaste, mouthwash, and floss We even offer subscription service free shipping right to your door.
  • Give the best step by step brushing system, that helps eliminate bad bacteria, improve oral health, while protecting the good bacteria to help fight and protect all day leaving your mouth, “Always Fresh, Always Clean”
  • We also provide a Free timer to insure proper brushing time for maximum results.


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