Our mission is to provide our community with weight management skills that they can continue to use throughout their lives. Following the evidence that lifestyle change is best achieved with multiple counselling sessions, Dr. Theresa Garcia brings rapport and understanding to patients struggling with weight issues, along with a weight loss plan that can change lives.
So why don’t we say weight loss instead of weight management? It’s because achieving and maintaining a healthy body weight is not something you can do without engaging in a total lifestyle change. It’s not a matter of buying a new outfit and starving yourself to lose weight to fit into it because, even if you make your goal, you haven’t changed your lifestyle, especially if you put yourself on some really restrictive diet to do it. You will likely go back to your old eating habits after you get past the occasion for which you bought that outfit. And the pounds will return. Then also there’s the matter of perception. Right now when someone says “weight loss,” the first thing you think is “Diet!”. And the next thing you think is “deprivation.” Which really puts a cramp in the process of lifestyle change.
At GFM Weight Management, we will not put you on a diet. We will discuss your present food choices, and those of the rest of your family, and help you make healthier food choices without significantly increasing your food budget. We will not sell you replacement meals, protein bars, or shakes.
We will help you look at your pattern of eating. This will tell us if you are eating in response to psychological triggers. Then we will analyze the causes of these triggers, and help you release yourself from their effect.
So what does lifestyle change entail? It means healthier food choices on a regular basis, healthier food choices for the entire family. It means changing how you buy groceries. It means increasing your activity level, becoming less sedentary. You can begin doing this in small increments multiple times a day, or you can go all out at a fitness center. But the most important thing is that these changes are not temporary. You are going to stick with them for the rest of your life.
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