
Try our infrared sauna in Dallas, TX to let your body heal and stay healthy the natural way through sweating. In just a single 30 to 45-minute session, you can enjoy benefits that include relaxation, detoxification, weight loss, pain relief, and more. Glow Sauna Studios uses patented three waved infrared technology for a premier sauna experience that takes care of your whole body. Whether you are looking to regulate your blood pressure, lose a few inches, or simply maintain good overall well-being, book a Glow session now to enjoy the best infrared sauna experience!

Learn more about infrared sauna for weight loss and other benefits of infrared sauna spa on our website.

For more Information!

admin@glowsaunastudios.com | Hours of Operation :

MON, TUE, THU : 8:00AM – 9:00PM
WED : 6:00AM – 9:00PM
FRI : 8:00AM – 7:00PM
SAT, SUN : 9:00AM – 6:00PM 


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