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GPM Life is committed to providing quality products while maintaining a financially sound and growing company. In fact, that is in our mission statement. We are a company owned by and operated for the benefit of our policyholders.

Finding the right coverage for your needs

The best life insurance policy is the policy that is designed to meet your unique needs. Your policy should fit your needs and be affordable for you and your family.

Life Insurance

Life insurance is a unique product that pays benefits to beneficiaries income-tax-free. This tax advantage is the cornerstone of end-of-life planning, but life insurance is also about helping protect and provide for the goals you have and the goals you have for your children. This includes things like paying off debt, paying for children’s education, funding a business transfer or protecting your mortgage.


Annuities are long-term savings plans. They are the only financial planning tool that can help you save and then provide you with a variety of payout options, including a secure and steady stream of income you cannot outlive. Consumers who have purchased an annuity say it is an important source of their retirement security, preventing them from becoming a financial burden on their families. 

We have been serving federal employees for over 40 years. Our insurance professionals can provide a personalized analysis of your government benefits, highlighting the strengths and gaps, and can offer unique solutions especially for you.


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