Hypnosis for Motivation is a business dedicated to supporting families. We offer the following services.
Power Parents
This is a six-week interactive class to support parents in meeting their specific concerns and questions. Our instructor has over 40 years’ experience as a parent and special education teacher. We cover topics such as personal development, the role of a parent as the primary programmer of their child’s subconscious mind, how they can better understand their child’s unique needs, effective communication, healthy boundaries, and family team building.
Private Hypnosis Sessions
We use the Simpson Protocol, which is a client-centered approach. Before we begin, we explain what hypnosis is and how it can help you align all parts of your mind to more effectively reach your goals. We do not require our clients to relive or relate painful, past experiences. We access the superconscious or higher mind, the part of the mind that knows everything including what is best for the individual. It does not go against free will. The client will be in control at all times.
Self-hypnosis for Motivation Workshop
This is an interactive four-hour workshop to explain what hypnosis is, how it works, how it allows you to make even greater use of your mental capabilities and teaches participants how to use this powerful tool. We also discuss how to set positive intentions and how to allow the higher mind or superconscious to resolve the issues that interfere with desired outcomes. This workshop can be held online. There is time for breaks, discussion and questions.
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