IAB Health Productions


Doctor Smith is certified by the World Organization for Natural Medicine to practice natural medicine globally. He is also a certified dental practitioner. His broad base of post-graduate training in dentistry and natural medicine enabled him to integrate many health care specialties.

Sir, Doctor Smith is also a Knight Hospitaller a dedicated professional organization dating back to the year 1050. The Knights Hospitallers have official recognition from the United Nations and the Pope for their tremendous humanitarian work with the poor.

He has accumulated an impressive list of credentials, which includes:

  • Lecturing at Walter Reed Army Medical Center, National Academy of General Dentistry and at the Academy of Head, Neck and Facial Pain, Yonsei Memorial Hospital in Seoul Korea
  • Dozens of guest lecture appearances at national and international symposia.

He holds active memberships and affiliations with a number of professional associations which includes:

  • The International Associations for Orthodontists and Academy of Head, Neck and Facial Pain.
  • The Holistic Dental Association, past-president and editor of their professional journal.
  • Pennsylvania Craniomandibular Society, past-president.

He is a recognized international authority and pioneer in craniomandibular somatic disorders with a focus on resolving chronic pain. He was the first researcher in the world to document cranial bone motion by means of his ground-breaking research and development of the Dental Orthogonal Radiographic Analysis System. He was also the first researcher in the world to discover how to resolve chronic pain by removing tension patterns within the human skull by means of the Occlusal Cranial Balancing Technique.

Dr. Smith is author of several books including:

  • Cranial-Dental-Sacral Complex and Dental Orthogonal Radiographic Analysis, textbooks for professionals.
  • For the layperson, Headaches Aren’t Forever, a newly published book on CD ROM, Alternative Treatments For Conquering Chronic Pain, and Reversing Cancer: A Survivor’s Guide for Understanding the Nature of Cancer.

Dr. Smith is president of the International Center For Nutritional Research, Inc. and maintains a private practice in Bucks County Pennsylvania.


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