What does good health mean to you? Healthy eating? Lots of energy? Being fit? Preventing disease? 150 doctors researched 4,500 studies on what keeps us healthy. The common demoninator? A diet rich in FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. The USDA recommends that you fill half your plate with FRUITS and VEGETABLES at EVERY MEAL. Oxidative stress is linked to poor health. Your defense is ANTIOXIDANTS. Fruits and vegetables provide ANTIOXIDANTS needed for healthy cell performance. Health at the foundational level. Nature cannot be duplicated with thousands of phytonutrients that create synergy in just 1 apple. The majority of the US population consumes less than 1 cup of fruits and 1.5 cups of vegetables daily. Bridge the Gap with ONE SIMPLE CHANGE. JUICE PLUS+ capsules have 30 whole foods from small farms, Non-GMO, every batch NSF certified for 3rd party quality assurance. It is important to understand the process that the fruits and vegetables go through to be encapsulated. They remain attached to the plant until nutrition is fully developed. The whole fruit and vegetable, including the peel, leaves and seeds, whenever possible, are ground up, slowly dried at a low temperatures to preserve the live enzymes and nutrients and then put into capsules and chewables. Backed by 30+ peer reviewed, double blinded, published clinical research that hightlights its impact in various areas.
*Bioavailability and Nutrients
*Oxidative Stress and Redox Biology
*Systemic Inflammation.
*DNA and Nutrigenomics.
*Cardiovascular Health
*Lung Health
*Healthy Skin and Gums
*Quality of Life
There is noting else available any place in the world, with or without a prescription, that has been shown to do all these things in the human body.
The Juice Plus+ Omega blend skips the fish and goes straight to what the fish eat. It is cold pressed oils from algae and other fruits and seeds like sea buckthorne berry, rasberry seed and tomatoe seed. The full spectrum of omegas 3, 5, 6, 7 and 9. Amazing benefits for brain health, joint health, heart health, ect.
Complete by Juice Plus shake mix and bars are plant based with 15 super foods. Protein blend of soy, chickpea, spirulina, pea and rice. Fiber blend of rice bran, apple fiber,pumpkin, pomegranate, yucca, ancient grains and sprouts of bronccoli, alfalfa, radish, amaranth, quinoa and millett.
Juice Plus+ family health study confirms that it is a springboard to better health.
The Tower Garden grows 20-28 plants in 30 inches of space with water and mineral blend instead of soil, proven to use less water than a traditional garden.
Jumpstart your journey. Invest in your wellness with Juice Plus+ capsules and Complete shakes and Bars. Adopt one simple change each month. Eat more whole foods, get more exercise, drink more water, get more sleep.
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