IAB Health Productions


Kelly Tallaksen is a Board-Certified Hypnotist practicing on Long Island, New York, trained by the New York Hypnosis Training Center, a New York State licensed Education School for hypnosis and a member in good standing with the National Guild of Hypnotists. Kelly is trained in Age Regression, Parts Therapy, 5-PATH® Hypnosis, The Simpson Protocol (Higher Mind Healing), Past Life Regression and Lives Between Lives Soul Exploration and the creator of the LUV Your Feelings Process and Soul Level Healing. Kelly holds a certificate in Holistic Psychology with a concentration in transpersonal healing.

Kelly is a guest author in the published book by C. Roy Hunter “The Art of Spiritual Hypnosis, Accessing Divine Wisdom” and the author of Healing Our Unhealed Parts, available for free download at www.HeartsinHarmonyHypnosis.com. Kelly teaches certification courses in Hypnosis, Past Life Regression and Soul Level Healing. Kelly has on-line published articles with PsychCentral, Natural News and Prevent Disease and has lectured at several venues about the mind, body and spirit connection.


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