Medi-Weightloss is a physician-supervised three-phase weight loss program that works! Our nutrition team gives you the support, education, and tools you need to help lose weight and keep it off. The Overland Park office is part of Mirabile M.D. Beauty, Health and Wellness. Under the ownership and direction of on-site physician, James Mirabile, our staff has helped Kansas City area patients lose over 24,000 pounds since opening in 2010. Mirabile M.D. Beauty, Health & Wellness combines Medi-Weightloss, MedCosmetic (medical spa), bio-identical hormone replacement therapy for men and women, and gynecology. We are your one-stop shop for total wellness. As a Quintiles employee, you qualify for our Corporate Wellness discount program. This program gives you 20% off all regular priced Medi-Weightloss visits. You also receive exclusive discounts at our medical spa, MedCosmetic. Call 913.888.7546 or visit us online at mirabilemd.com.
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