IAB Health Productions



Welcome to Pamer Family Chiropractic, we have been in Powell, OH for 20 years!

At Pamer Family Chiropractic we do our best to provide patients the highest quality chiropractic care available. We can help- whether you are suffering from a specific ailment or just want to perform at your peak potential. For each patient we complete a thorough chiropractic examination, review all pertinent health information/history, and perform any necessary diagnostic tests. This helps us determine the cause of each patient’s health obstacles, so we can help overcome them. After the examination we provide you with a Doctor’s Report, you will get the results was found in the exam, any test results, and determine if care is recommended for you and how our office can help.

We educate our patients so they have a deeper understanding of what chiropractic care is and what we looking for. We strongly believe that educating our patients is the best way to empower them and help them understand how to achieve greater health. We hold Advanced Workshops with Dr. Pamer over numerous health topics that will also help to improve your health and wellness in its entirety. In our office, we have been so blessed to see incredible changes in patients’ health. We have seen countless results from patients where their complaints will improve greatly or disappear completely such as: headaches, blood pressure, thyroid issues, asthma, sciatica, carpal tunnel, allergies, acid reflux, and lower back pain.

To see if chiropractic could help you, please contact our office and Cassie can schedule you right away for a free consultation as we search for the cause of your condition. We have convenient appointment times available in the early morning as well as evenings.

We look forwards to serving you and becoming your Powell Chiropractor!


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