IAB Health Productions


Piedmont Sleep at Guilford Neurologic Associates is a comprehensive Sleep Clinic under the direction of Dr. Carmen Dohmeier and Dr. Saima Athar.   Our staff of experienced Registered Sleep Technologists and Board Certified Sleep Disorders Specialists (who are also Board Certified Neurologists) are passionate about improving the sleep and quality of life for our patients.  We specialize in diagnostic testing, sleep disorders treatment, education, and follow up care.  Our mission is to provide excellence and comfort in each individual’s experience throughout the entire process in order to achieve the best outcomes for our patients.  Treatment and testing available for Snoring and Sleep Apnea, Narcolepsy, Restless Leg Syndrome, Periodic Limb movement disorder, Parasomnias, Circadian Rhythm disturbances, and organic Insomnia.   We provide Polysomnography, PAP Titration, Split Night studies, Multiple Sleep Latency Testing (MSLT), Maintainence of Wakefulness Testing (MWT), CPAP desensitization and mask fitting sessions, Home Sleep Testing, and clinical follow up care.


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