SingleCare is an on demand, price transparent marketplace for health services. SingleCare provides savings options for insured and uninsured employees without any premiums or subscription fees. Your employees’ no-cost SingleCare membership gives them access to incredible discounts- whenever and wherever needed. Include SingleCare as a part of your benefits package to enjoy the perks of a healthier workforce and the competitive advantage of having flexible, modern solution to health savings options.
SingleCare offers savings on prescriptions, dental, vision, and on-demand video doctor visits. Whether it’s a life-saving drug or a routine dental cleaning, we believe consumers should be able to compare costs for healthcare services and get care without worrying about networks, coverage limitations or deductibles. SingleCare is free to join and members save money when they fill a prescription, visit a SingleCare dentist, or have a video doctor visit. Sign-up today: https://singlecare.com/signup
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