
Tri-state Hypnosis Center offers hypnosis and hypnotherapy services for a full range of personal issues such as smoking cessation, weight management, fears, phobias, stress, anxiety issues as well as professional hypnosis training and certification.

William Molitor BCH. CI. is a Board Certified Hypnotist (BCH), Certified Instructor for the National Guild of Hypnotists (CI), A Certified Professional Hypnosis Instructor (CPHI), as well as a Certified Hypnotherapist (CH) and Master Hypnotist. William has received advanced training in Hypnosis Instruction, Hypnotherapy, Clinical Hypnotherapy and Stage Hypnosis.

Board Certified Hypnotist, National Guild of Hypnotists (NGH)

NGH Certified Instructor, American School for Clinical Hypnosis

Certified Hypnotherapist, National Guild of Hypnotists (NGH)

Master Hypnotist, Banyan Hypnosis Center, Minneapolis, MN

Certified Professional Hypnosis Instructor (5-PATH)

Certified 7th Path ® Self Hypnosis Instructor

Advanced Hypnotherapy Certification (5-PATH)

Additional Training:

Professional Stage Hypnosis (Jerry Valley)

Working Cancer Clients (Don Mottin)

Ultra-Height Hypnosis (Gerald Kein)

Certified Clinical Hypnosis Studies (Don Mottin, NGH)

Metaphysical Hypnosis (Gerald Kein)

Phobia Removal (Gerald Kein)

Treating Alcoholism with Hypnosis (Gerald Kein)

Hypnosis Without Trance (James Tripp)

William has extensive training and experience in personal motivation and performance techniques and was an instructor for the military worldwide during his highly successful career in the United States Army; among his many personal and academic achievements he was awarded the Bronze Star for his actions while serving as a reconnaissance platoon sergeant during the Gulf War in 1991. William retired from the military in 1995 and now teaches professional self-empowerment and motivational techniques as well as Advanced Hypnotherapy and Hypnosis.

William has worked with Educators at every level of the academic community as well as individuals in the private and corporate work sectors and received the 5-PATH Leadership Award for his guidance and leadership skills in assisting professional Hypnotists throughout the United States and abroad


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